
Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Dartanian Explanation How to prevent youself from getting sick

Oh winter is here with winter comes with lots of sickness.Being sick is not nice for people that have a lot of family around them.It is important we look after our selves.Below are some ways from preventing yourself from getting sick.

One of the easiest ways of staying healthy is eating a balanced range of food. This means eating from the 5 food groups with a focus on fruits and vegetables. If you do that then your body will receive all the nutrients it needs to be in the best condition to fight off invading germs.

To prevent yourself from getting sick is to not share foods or drinks with other people.

This means not to eat other people’s food that they have   already put food in their mouth.If you put food in  your mouth and give it to someone then you’re spreading your germs. If you do this then you will will prevent yourself and will not have  someone  else  silvea grem in  your system + Germ.

Another way from preventing yourself from getting sick is to not touch public toilets.This means not to touch it with your hand if you do then you will have a lot of germs on your hand and you don't know what has been on that toilet seat.If you do this then you will defend the germs from getting to you.

This will help you and your family around you wont get sick that if you follow these  writing above.

Follow this you wont get sick

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