
Friday, 28 August 2015

Finding Evidence in the Text.

We were learning about finding evidence in he text.We were learning about the Coliseum.

Christmas bonus

This was for maths we were learning about using maths for real live things.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Save save SAVE SAVE

Our learning intention for inquiry  was  spending and saving money . Some people do not take care to pay their bills on time.   Saving money helps one to be able to meet these bills.  Saving also means I can look at buying an expensive  item that will also be of good quality.

Finding evidence in a text

We are learning about the colloquium what happened it it how it got destroyed.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Dartanian money

Dartanian Money from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

This is what I would do with $20!

Prevent yourself from getting sick

To prevent yourself from getting sick is to not share foods or drinks with other people.

This means not to eat other people’s food that they have  already put food in their mouth.If you put food in your mouth and give it to someone then you’re spreading your germs.1
If you do this then you will will prevent yourself and will not have  someone  else  silvea grem in  your system + Germ.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

As a man thinks in his heart.

As a man thinks in his heart ,So he will be.
I think that means what ever you believe thats what  you end up doing.